Civil Unrest


Civil unrest include riots, demonstrations, threatening individuals or assemblies that have become disruptive.


What to do?

If you observe such disturbances:

 - Call the police. Dial 911, use an Emergency Call Box, or call FSUPD at 850-644-1234 from your cell phone if you are on campus.

- Provide the address, location, and any details available to the dispatcher.

- Do not provoke or become part of the disturbance.

- Secure your work area, log off computers and secure sensitive files, if safe to do so.

- Remain inside and away from doors and windows if the disturbance is outside.


If you are confronted by angry, belligerent, or violent individuals, use the following steps when communicating with them:

- Remain calm.

- Be courteous and confident.

- Allow the opportunity for the person to express their feelings and concerns.

- Listen respectfully and objectively
- Alert the police immediately if a threat exists.

- Notify your supervisor and your department chair as soon as you are able.


Do not

- Corner or crowd the hostile individual.

- Attempt to touch the individual.

- Blame anyone.

- "Blow off" the hostile individual.


University Policies

Florida State University has various policies regarding Civil Unrest including: Open Flame, Free Speech, Open Platform, and Posting & Active Distribution. 

Please read over them below to familiarize yourself:

Fire Safety

Free Speech, Open Platform, Amplified Sound