One of the fundamental missions of emergency management is to facilitate training that improves personnel's knowledge, skills, and abilities they need to respond to an emergency. FSU Emergency Management has developed this training program with this goal in mind. While most of the content on this page is geared toward FSU employees who are members of the FSU Emergency Management Team, many options are open to students, faculty, staff and other interested people.
Seminole Prepared: Emergency and Response (SPEAR)
Are you prepared for disasters? FSU Emergency Management and FSU HR Continuous Improvement and Training introduce a preparedness training, Seminole Prepared: Emergency and Response (SPEAR). This training is intended for FSU students, faculty, and staff who want to be prepared before, during, and after emergencies. Click here to access the online training.
Course Description:
SPEAR is a free online course that can be completed at your own pace. It will review types of weather emergencies and other disasters, and how to prepare yourself and your family. This training includes personal preparedness tips and a section for professional preparedness tips for FSU employees who may be considered Essential Personnel. This training also reviews the University's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) to teach you how the university responds to disasters.
Length of Course: Approximately 60 minutes
National Incident Management System (NIMS) / Incident Command System (ICS).
Florida State University will adhere to the Incident Command System (ICS), as defined by the National Incident Management System (NIMS) for on-scene operations. For off-scene operations and/or when the entire campus is affected, FSU will utilize Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) and the normal university organizational structure, lines of authority, and chains of command. This structure is consistent with the Multi-Agency Coordinating Group (MAC) concept
Below are Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) emergency management training courses from the Emergency Management Institute (EMI). These courses focus on a national standard for preparedness, prevention, protection, response, and recovery to and from any emergency.
FSU Emergency Management highly recommends anyone to take the following 4 courses:
- IS - 100.c Introduction to the Incident Command System
- IS - 200.c Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
- IS - 700.b An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
- IS - 800.d National Response Framework, an Introduction
If you have not taken a course provided by FEMA, you will need to register for a FEMA Student Identification Number (FEMA SID). Register Here.
Stop the Bleed
Stop the Bleed is a national awareness campaign and call-to-action to train, equip, and empower bystanders to help control a bleeding emergency until professional help arrives. Similar to how the general public is trained how to perform CPR, it is important for the public to learn proper bleeding control techniques. The FSU Stop the Bleed campaign is a collaborative effort between University Health Services/Medical Response Unit, FSU Emergency Management, and campus partners. Our MRU Leadership Team members have become certified Stop the Bleed instructors and will begin providing campus-wide training opportunities in the ABC’s of bleeding control.
Course Description:
This free 2-hour course is designed to train FSU employees on what to do in a bleeding emergency and teaches the ABCs of bleeding as a method to stop an active bleed. The course includes a class presentation and hands-on skills demonstration on tourniquet application, wound packing, and pressure application. At the conclusion of the course, participants will receive a nationally recognized certificate of completion. This training is only being offered by requests from University Health Services. Departments would need to request this training
Length of Course: Approximately 2 hours
Hands-Only CPR
Hands-Only CPR courses will teach untrained bystanders how to perform hands-only CPR. Having more bystanders in our communities trained in this simple skill can help save lives by putting more cardiac arrest victims within a few steps of lifesaving assistance. Complete this training online through the American Red Cross, or in-person through FSU Campus Recreation.
Course Description:
This course is meant to teach the basics of CPR during emergency situations. This course does not certify participants in CPR, however it will give them the confidence to assist during a medical emergency until higher trained professionals arrive on scene. FSU Campus Recreation's in-person course will also familiarize participants with Automated External Defibrillators so that they can assist with this life-saving piece of equipment when available.
Length of Online Course: Approximately 5 minutes